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Sink More Putts with These Fun Putting Drills for Beginners

Fun Putting Drills for Beginners

Sink More Putts with These 5 Favorite Fun Putting Drills for Beginners

Fun Putting Drills for Beginners – Welcome to the Golf For Beginners Academy, where we’re all about helping you kickstart your golf journey with a big swing (or should we say, putt?). If you’re new to the world of golf or looking to up your putting game, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’re going to introduce you to five super-fun putting drills that will not only sharpen your skills but also have you grinning from ear to ear on the greens. So, grab your putter and let’s roll!

1. Clock Drill: "Time" to Get Better at Putting!

Imagine turning your golf ball into the minute hand of a clock. Intrigued? Set up a circle of tees around the hole, mimicking the hours on a clock face. Start at 3 feet and make your way around, sinking putts from each “hour.” As you become a putting pro, increase the distance. You’ll be surprised how addictive it is to watch your game “tick” forward!

Here is what to do: 

  • Place six tees in a circle around the hole, representing the numbers on a clock (12, 3, 6, 9, and the points in between).
  • Start at 3 feet from the hole and attempt to sink putts from each “hour” on the clock.
  • Gradually increase the distance to the hole as you become more comfortable with the drill.

2. Gate Drill: Paving the Way to Precision!

Picture this: a gateway to putting perfection. Set up two tees or alignment sticks just wider than your putter head about 3-4 feet from the hole. Your mission? Putt through the “gate” without touching the tees. It’s like threading a needle with your putter, and when you master it, your accuracy will be off the charts.

Here is what to do: 

  • Set up two tees or alignment sticks just wider than the width of your putter head about 3-4 feet from the hole.
  • Practice putting through the “gate” without touching the tees.
  • This drill helps improve your strikepoint and accuracy.

3. Lag Putting Game: Where Distance Meets Precision!

Ever heard the saying, “Drive for show, putt for dough”? This game is all about the dough! Place balls at varying distances from the hole and focus on getting them to stop within a 3-foot radius. Master this, and you’ll have the perfect recipe for consistent, confidence-boosting putts.

Here is what to do: 

  • Place several golf balls at various distances from the hole, ranging from short to long putts (e.g., 3 feet, 6 feet, 10 feet, 15 feet).
  • Focus on making each putt stop within a 3-foot radius around the hole.
  • This game helps develop your distance control on putts.

4. Two-Ball Challenge: Double the Fun, Double the Skill!

Who says golf can’t be a party? Grab two golf balls and putt them simultaneously toward your target. The challenge? Make both putts or get them as close as possible. It’s like patting your head and rubbing your tummy, but for golfers. This drill is a blast and boosts your consistency and confidence in your putting stroke.

Here is what to do: 

  • Take two golf balls and putt them simultaneously toward the same target.
  • The goal is to make both putts or get both balls as close to the hole as possible.
  • This drill helps improve consistency and confidence in your putting stroke.

5. Putting Horse: A Fun Game with a Dash of Competition!

Ready to add some friendly competition to your practice? Enter “Putting Horse,” inspired by the classic basketball game of HORSE. Challenge a friend to replicate your chosen putt, and if they miss, they get a letter (starting with “H”). Keep going until one of you spells out “HORSE.” Loser buys the post-game snacks!

Here is what to do: 

    • Similar to the basketball game of HORSE, you can play a putting game with a partner.
    • One player selects a putt (e.g., a 10-foot downhill break from left to right).
    • If they make the putt, the other player has to replicate it. If they miss, they receive a letter (starting with “H”).
    • Continue until one player spells out “HORSE.”
    • This game adds an element of pressure and fun competition to your putting practice.

Ready to Take the Plunge? ⛳️

If you’re eager to dive deeper into golf’s intriguing world and master the ins and outs of the game, look no further than our “Golf For Beginners – The Ultimate Starter Guide.” Whether you’re a newbie or just brushing up on your skills, this online course has something for everyone.

⛳️ Discover the Ultimate Golf Starter Guide Right Here ⛳️

Conclusion on Fun Putting Drills for Beginners

Practice doesn’t have to be dull, and improving your putting skills can be a ton of fun! These five putting drills will not only help you become a better golfer but also make your time on the greens an absolute delight. So, whether you’re dreaming of sinking that game-winning putt or just enjoying a sunny day on the golf course, these drills are your ticket to putting success. Happy putting, golfers!

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If you want more detailed help with you game of golf, and specifically about the short game of golf, our partner-portal called World Of Short Game deliver great content for all short game related topics. Click here to visit World Of Short Game. 

And if you live in Denmark, never hesitated to reach out to Danish Golf Academy for help with any part of your game.